Thursday, July 24, 2014

Welcome to my Principal's Blog for the 2014-15 school year

As an educator, I love being a learner myself.  I had the amazing opportunity to take a class this summer about Instructional Technology.  This blog is a direct product of that opportunity.

As my first blog, I wanted to just give you:

A brief history of me!

Grew up speaking French!

Majored in Chinese at CU Boulder!  

Joined the Peace Corps and taught in Turkmenistan for 2 and half years.

Taught ESL and Literacy in Colorado for several years before becoming a building administrator. 

Moved to Beaverton Oregon in 2006.

2006-2009 Assistant Principal at Scholls Heights Elementary.
 And of course 2009-present McKinley Elementary!!


  1. Wow you've lived an interesting life so far Mrs. Pleau, we are lucky to have you!

  2. What a nice and colorful way to share your history. Thanks!
